Many people don’t realize there is an entire set of informal guidelines that govern save the dates cards, ranging from proper wording to scheduling issues. We consulted with some top event planners to provide a list of frequently asked save the dates questions and answers:
Q: Where is the best place to buy Save the Dates?
A: There are many places online to buy Save the Date cards, magnets, and more. We have made it easier by providing a guide of Where to Buy. We have also put together a list of some of Our Favorite Save the Date designs where you can view difference choices to make it easier for you.
Q: How should we time sending out our save the dates cards?
A: Keep in mind that save the dates cards are considered a courtesy to allow your guests plenty of time to block out their schedules well in advance. Particularly for holiday or destination weddings, Save the Dates provide an important reminder to help your guests keep with their personal and professional schedules. Most planners suggest that a six month lead time is sufficient to allow for busy schedules.
Q: But what if the date or location changes in the meantime?
A: If you have to make a change to the day or time of the wedding, then you’ll want to reach out to your guests with a personal phone call to let them know of the updates. With a six month lead time, you should make sure you have solidified your plans before sending out Save the Dates to prevent later confusion.
Q: How should we handle singles invitations?
A: It’s a common courtesy to provide “and guest”, although you can ask you guests if they prefer an invitation to be extended to a particular individual. Don’t be shy to ask directly, as this can save confusion later; if a situation changes, such as a new dating partner, you can always re-issue a new invite.
Q: Is there any particular way we should work the text?
A: As long as you convey the necessary information (i.e. bride and groom, date of wedding, location), then you should be fine. Individual text styles range from a simple sentence to creative poems, depending on your preference.
Q: Do we need to include gift registry and RSVP information?
A: In general, it’s best to keep registry information to your wedding site, while RSVPs should generally wait until the actual invitation, in case situations change for your guests.
Q: Can we design our own?
A: Yes, as long as they are professionally printed and produced, some couples opt for their own designs. You can use design software such as Photoshop or Printing Press to customize a design to your liking, and then work with a printer to produce the actual save the dates. It requires more work but you can really make it your own.